Connecting to Source, Bronze, 24" H x 12" W x 12.75" D, Edition of 35 (American Women Artists Juried Art Competition: Award of Merit Winner): This giraffe is reaching for a drop of water, her Source of Life, while she is also standing and grounded in water and earth. She regally reminds us to connect not only to what we are reaching for in life but also to what grounds and keeps us rooted. The elegant lines of the giraffe all reach upward no matter which direction she is viewed from, encouraging us to smile and focus our energy on what lifts our spirits and brings us joy.
Flow of Life Miniature (14.5" H)
Flow of Life Miniature (14.5" H)
Flow of Life, Bronze and Carnelian, 29” H x 12.25" W x 23.5" D, Edition of 35 (Flow of Life Miniature, Bronze, 14.5" H x 6.5" W x 12" D, Edition of 85): The Tree of Life is a universal symbol found in many spiritual and mythological traditions throughout the world. It symbolizes growth, creation, life, wisdom, strength, beauty, protection, lineage, and hope for the future.
In this sculpture, a rooted Tree of Life flows into a fully blossoming Flower of Life—always reaching upward striving to manifest all that the piece symbolizes. Layers of strata, caves with seeds of new growth, and a bird-like creature emerging and taking flight from beneath the Tree of Life further emphasizes the energy this piece seeks to bring into the world.
Soulflight, Bronze and Carnelian, 21” H x 78” (6 ½’) W x 4.5” D, Edition of 35: A labyrinth is a spiritual tool that can quiet the mind, focus our intentions, and enhance personal, psychological, and spiritual transformation. A labyrinth consists of a single, winding path that leads to and from its center. There is only one way into a labyrinth and only one way out. It is easy to navigate; requires no decisions or choices to be made other than the choice to enter or to leave; and is therefore a simple, useful way to quiet one's analytical mind, activate one's right brain, and allow one's spirit to take flight. The five birds in this sculpture symbolize the spiritual flight a labyrinth can launch, as well as the transformative energy it can send into the Universe.
Note: A maze, which is often used synonymously with a labyrinth, is instead a complex, confusing network of paths and dead-ends that one must puzzle through in order to reach the center. It is not a meditative or spiritual tool but a way to exercise the left side of the brain.
Costa Rican Lifeforce, 22” H x 11.5” W x 13” D, Edition of 35: The vibrant, vital energy that pulses in the heart of Costa Rica's verdant, rich forests is a beautiful spirit that compels us to dance and flutter with joy.
Embraced Treasure, Bronze and Carnelian, 27” H x 15” W x 3” D, Edition of 35: A labyrinth is a spiritual tool that can quiet our analytical mind, activate our right brain, and allow our spirit to take flight. It is therefore a valuable treasure to be embraced, beautified, and cherished.
Polar Ice Cap Legacy, Bronze, 7.5” H x 14.25” W x 16” D, Edition of 35: The polar bear looks out on her domain—a melting polar ice cap—contemplating ways to adapt to her changing environment. Her paw print—her legacy—is firmly embedded in the ice for the world to revere, marvel at, and cherish.
Treasure Within, Bronze, 18.5” H x 8” W x 14.5” D, Edition of 35: Within the dualities of each individual’s character resides a beautiful, radiant gem that is our soul. Once that treasure is discovered and allowed to shine and radiate outward, the opposites within us ground and balance themselves, then unite and flow upward toward wisdom. This process allows us to reach to be all that we can be.
Follow Your Heart (8" H)
Follow Your Heart (8" H)
Follow Your Heart Miniature (4.25" H)
Follow Your Heart Miniature (4.25" H)
Follow Your Heart Master , Bronze and Carnelian, 8” H x 7” W x 9” D, Edition of 35 (Follow Your Heart Miniature, Bronze, 4.25" H x 3.75" W x 4.25" D, Edition of 100): Follow your heart and it will lead to the gemstone—the treasure and soul—of who you are. Follow your heart and it will lead to the beautiful gem you can share with someone you love.
Ride Your Waves, Bronze, 8.5” H x 19.5” W x 6" D, Edition of 35: Ride your waves, climb your mountains, follow your heart down the many paths that beckon to you, and you will come to know bliss. And if you never really find that bliss, you will at least enjoy some very interesting rides!
Love Blooms (10.5"H)
Love Blooms, Bronze, 10.5" H x 6.5" W x 5.5 " D, Edition of 50: Hearts meet and receive; love blooms in all its glory.
Infinite Kiss Master, Bronze and Carnelian, 18.5" H x 18" W x 6” D, Edition of 35: These two creatures—bear, dolphin, seal-like yet uniquely their own—are forever kissing and holding each other's heart. Their hands are separated indicating their individuality and the partnership they have formed. At the same time, they are connected at the base. A vertical infinity symbol weaves throughout the piece further emphasizing the eternal love flowing between the creatures.
Infinite Kiss Miniature, Bronze (4.5" H x 4.25" W x 1.5" D) Edition of 85
Rebirthed Flight, Bronze, 26.5” H x 9" W x 13.5" D, Edition of 35: When we are happy, excited, curious, or passionate about something, our spirit blossoms, takes flight, and soars. To help manifest that rebirth of joy and energy in our lives, this sculpture contains five flying bird heads and three blossoming calla lilies.
Bursting Forth with Joy, Bronze, 10.5” H x 6.5” W x 5.5" D, Edition of 85: There are times in our lives when we must consciously choose to crack open the protective shell we shield our seed of joy in and allow that seed to break free, take root, and then burst forth and bloom in all its glory.
Thriving, Bronze, 14” H x 8” W x 10.5" D, Edition of 35: To thrive we must flow with whatever is happening in our lives and go beyond day-to-day survival into a state filled with joy and connection. Thriving was my first sculpture and the only piece I've made that speaks of emotional release rather than meditative connection. After sculpting a beautiful woman with her hair flowing backwards, I returned home from my first figurative sculpting class and altered my sculpture into a woman who has struggled in life but has continued to thrive anyway. Although she is simply an abstract figure on one hand, she is also a woman who has faced breast cancer, internal organ surgeries, an amputated leg, and a knee replacement and yet she continues to flow with the lifeforce of the Universe. At first I called her Altered Beauty but after meeting a phenomenal woman who had lost her leg and still lived her life fully, I renamed the sculpture "Thriving," which is really what she is all about.
Firebird Rising, Bronze and Carnelian, 27” H x 18” W x 8” D, Edition of 35: A gentle, graceful, elegant, peace-loving firebird rises out of the ashes of a past Phoenix to honor the importance and value of earth, air, water, and fire in our Universe.
Abundance, Growth and Creativity
Celebrate Life, Bronze, 31” H x 10.25” W x 8.5” D, Edition of 35: This God/Goddess of abundance, growth, transformation, and birth honors us for celebrating life and joyfully spreading seeds of creativity, curiosity, and inspiration wherever we go.
Seeds Go Forth. . . , Bronze, 6” H (Base: 7"W x 4" D); Edition of 80: The seeds of life, the birth of something similar but never exactly the same, the continuation of family, and the future of the planet inevitably and comfortingly continue to go forth and grow.
Roots of Inspiration, Bronze, 37” H x 19” W x 15.25" D, Edition of 35: In order to thrive in this world and/or allow the creative process to blossom forth in all its glory, a stable, grounded, yet flexible element in our lives needs to take root. From these grounded roots, newness, joy, creativity, daring, and eventually the seeds of further growth and exploration spring forth like an arrow from a bow. The Tree of Life here also serves as a symbol for the earth with the ever-changing, ever-creating ocean feeding off of it.
Earthbloom, Bronze, 39” H x 11.5” W x 9” D, Edition of 35: A flower—similar to others but as unique as each of us viewing it—blooms out of the mysterious earth, forever reaching towards the Sun, one of its sources of Life.
Soulplay, Bronze, 21” H x 9.5” W x 9.5” D (including the base), Edition of 35: Creativity is born in expansion. Playing with creativity is a way to expand one's soul. Intentionally allowing the soul to play is a way to bring healthy, expansive energy into one's life
Celestial Voyage, Bronze and Chrysocolla, 14” H x 14.75” W x 13.5” D, Edition of 35: Untethered yet cradled, cherished and protected, the earth’s celestial voyage mirrors our soul’s journey toward wisdom, love, and light.
Faces of Night Master (34" H)
Faces of Night Master, (34" H)
Faces of Night Miniature (13" H)
Faces of Night Master, Bronze (34" H x 17.5" W x 14" D) Edition of 35 (Faces of Night Miniature, Bronze, 13” H x 6.5” W x 6" D, Edition of 85): Guardians of the night, companions of the moon, owls enhance our wisdom and intuitive knowledge; ravens shift our consciousness with their distinct cries; and wolves protect the free spirit—the instinctive nature, inner force, and deep knowing—that lives within us.
Earth and Sky, Bronze, 18” H x 7” W x 7.5” D, Edition of 35: Protected and cherished, the earth and sky are held lovingly in the arms of the Universe.
Spirit Guardians, Bronze, 12” H x 10.5” W x 9.25" D, Edition of 35: These bird-like spirit guardians protect a nest filled with eggs that represent our diverse global community—eggs of various sizes, shapes, and colors.